I live in Los Angeles and even though it happens more than other cities, I don’t actually spot celebrities frequently in my day to day life. It happens, I once walked a crosswalk in front of Kevin Bacon in his car stopped at a red light. Since Angelenos rarely use public transportation, you don’t see them there. Usually you have to go to celebrity populated areas to find them. But I hear that celebrities use the subway and walk around a lot more in New York. I’ve also heard that they do that because people generally leave you alone. Such was not the case when a fan of Ben Stiller’s found herself seated by him on the subway. When she noticed who was next to her, she flipped the hell out.
You know all those times when you imagine what you would say or do if you encountered someone famous that you liked? In your head, you act cool and say the perfect thing, right? I have to believe this is not what that lady saw in her head when she imagined meeting Stiller. But I love how genuine it is. Just complete raw emotion. I think the best part is when she realized her hair is pinned up and starts frantically undoing it while shouting, “My hair, no!” And how she ramped up her insistence that she loves him as if he needed more convincing.
Stiller’s reaction was pretty precious too. Going off his body language, he looked amused when she first recognized him. I’m sure this happens all the time. I think the hair thing made him laugh but the more she goes on, he became embarrassed, as if he doesn’t think he deserves this much admiration. By the time the cameras came out, he’d regained his composure and was really quite sweet about the whole thing. I have to believe this made his day.
And damn, he’s aging like a fine wine in that subway look, isn’t he?
Photo credit: Twitter and WENN Photos