Will Dam I get her happy ending in the face of her secret getting out?

Posted by Trudie Dory on Monday, May 20, 2024

Before the finale, The King's Affection's penultimate episode saw Dam I trap her grandfather and the corrupt stateman Lord Sangheon. She revealed to Queen Dowager that she was informed about the birth of her twin by him. She also explained how the two of them will be in danger if someone else was to learn the truth behind her birth.

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Lord Sangheon was trapped because he will no longer be able to control Dam I with this bit of information. Instead, he could be accused of treason if he were to try and leak any information about Dam I and her twin. The fact that his grandchildren were switched is something he is made aware of by Dam I's cousin.

Hyun's brother has always been ambitious in The King's Affection. He believed that the throne was rightfully his and he worked towards attaining the support and power to regain control of the state. So in the finale, he planned treason with the help of Lord Sangheon, who he helped escape.

Who died in the finale of The King's Affection?

Hyun's elder brother decided to take it all the way and he used Lord Sangheon's army to infiltrate the palace and corner the King. Hyun figured out his brother's plan, but it was too late. The King did her best to ensure her younger brother's safety. He was the true heir to the throne and she had even announced his crowning ceremony, so her brother was in as much danger as her.

As expected, Hyun's brother attacked Dam I's brother in The King's Affection and he successfully assassinated his cousin, while Dam I was busy fighting another attack on her palace workers. Following this, Dam I and Ji Eun got some help from Ji Eun's father.

He couldn't hold on for too long though. There were too many people who were ready to attack; when directed by Lord Sangheon. Ji Eun's father did his best to kill Lord Sangheon in The King's Affection, but instead, he was slain too. This is what brought on Dam I's renewed effort to take her grandfather down, even if it meant that she die with him.

How did Dam I convince her grandfather to back down from the fight in The King's Affection?

In the end of The King's Affection, she told her grandfather that she will step down as the King. She also said that she will give up the throne and endorse Hyun's brother to take over as her successor. She asked to meet him in private and the two were meant to sit down for a talk. Her grandfather agreed.

He acted just as Dam I expected in The King's Affection. He got one of the court ladies to serve her a bowl of poison and explained that this was the only kindness that he could show. What he hadn't expected was to be manipulated into drinking tea, which was also poisoned.

Dam I used the same poison that had killed her father to assassinate her grandfather in The King's Affection. She managed to kill him, but she was also affected. If not for Ji Eun's interference, she would have died too. Instead, she was saved by him and Hyun helped her bury her identity of the King's twin. Instead, she was bestowed with her old identity as Dam I.

That was how she was able to start a new life with her lover Ji Eun. Her cousin Hyun took over as the King and her loyal subjects stayed behind in the palace to help him govern the state.

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