Stitchers Finale Recap Kirsten Lost in a Stitch: Season 2 Episode 10 All In

Posted by Valentine Belue on Friday, May 10, 2024

Stitchers Finale Recap - Kirsten Lost in a Stitch: Season 2 Episode 10 "All In"

Stitchers continues on Freeform tonight with an all new Tuesday May 24, Season 2 finale called “All In” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, in the second-season finale, Kirsten (Emma Ishta) discovers a shocking family secret after her father disappears.

On the last episode Kirsten made progress in her search for her father when she encountered someone who may know of his whereabouts, but Mitchell Blair ordered her to stop her hunt. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Freeform synopsis, “in the second-season finale, Kirsten discovers a shocking family secret after her father disappears and finds herself delving deep into her own memories in search of the truth.”

You aren’t going to want to miss any of the unfolding action tonight and neither do I. We’ll be recapping the season 2 finale live right here for you at 10pm. In the meantime, hit up the comments and tell us what you’re expecting from the season 2 finale.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Stitchers starts with Kirsten obsessing over her board and Cameron coming to check on her. He encourages her to reach out to Ivy but she doesn’t want to put her sister in danger and says Liam was her best shot at finding Daniel Stinger.

She says she just wants this over with. At work, Linus tells Cameron that his dad has a 50/50 shot at beating his illness. Fisher chats up Camille as they get ready for the Liam stitch. Kirsten gets into the tank and Cameron talks about memories that may be missing because of how he was shot.

Kirsten insists they do it. They put her inside and she sees Liam in the park sitting by her when they first met at school. She is pulled and says it’s the path of the bullet. She sees them drinking wine. Maggie gets a page about Iraq and walks out.

Kirsten hears buzzing while Maggie is on an upsetting call. They wonder if it’s brain damage. We see Stinger talking to Liam and telling him to track her and keep using the phone British accent. She tells the team he faked it. Then she sees Stinger giving him money.

Liam says he can close the deal by marrying Kirsten. He says if she turns him down he’ll stick around and work his way around and maybe get to her through her roommate. Maggie tells Fisher she’s okay. Linus moves her closer to the death memory.

She sees Liam in the alley then calling her and then he saw a laser sight on him and says wait no. Kirsten bounces and Maggie asks if she got a lead on Stinger. She says Liam was a lying bastard that got what he deserved.

Kirsten stares at her wall when Camille comes in and asks if she got any sleep last night. Kirsten says it’s not enough to figure it out and says she’s been racking her brain that something would jump out at her but it hasn’t.

Then Kirsten says it’s all a waste of time and starts ripping things down. Camille says don’t do it. Kirsten says she’s smart but is so stupid. Then Kirsten notices that a string was moved and says Ivy was in her room and could have moved it.

She says it’s the equation for power lost in a surge of electricity. She says she heard a buzzing sound when Liam talked to Stinger. They wonder what it could be and Kirsten says Monterey Park where there’s a substation. Kirsten says it’s old but not abandoned.
She says Ivy left her a message and says she told her sister she needed to find him first to protect him from the NSA. Camille asks if it’s true. Cameron makes breakfast for Nina. She finds his NSA badge and asks if it’s for real. He admits he’s a neuroscientist who works for them.

Nina is stunned. He says he’s relieved she found it since he hated keeping the secret from her. He says Kirsten is a fellow NSA agent and that’s why they’re close. Nina says this is not how she was expecting their morning to go.

Cameron asks if they can move past this. She says she got what she wanted – a swashbuckling scientist. Kirsten heads to the power station and hears the hum of the wires. She rings a bell and Ivy is there. She tells Kirsten she screwed up everything.

Ivy says their father is gone again. Kirsten comes inside. Ivy says he left both of them this time and says he cleared out everything he was working on. Ivy says he was working on something big but she doesn’t know what it did.

Ivy says she got her to betray her father and Kirsten says sorry. Ivy says he left because Kirsten was coming but she knew she wasn’t coming alone and then the team bursts in. Kirsten says someone tipped off Stinger but it wasn’t Ivy.

Kristen says he’s armed and dangerous and the only way she can save him is to bring him in herself. Maggie tells Ivy she needs to come answer some questions and Ivy says she’s happy to get away from Kirsten.

Ivy says her dad told her not to waste tears on Ed Clarke and says he kept secrets. Ivy steps closer and whispers to her that her mother is still alive. Kirsten is stunned. Maggie looks at a photo of soldiers and holds back tears. Kirsten comes in angry and asks her about her mother.

Maggie says she’s not the only one with issues and tells her to back off. Kirsten asks what’s wrong and Maggie snaps at her. Kirsten sits and says she’s looked everywhere for info on her mother and it’s like she never existed. Maggie says she won’t find anything on anyone in the program.

Maggie says Ivy will be released soon but doesn’t want to talk to Kirsten. Maggie says Ivy never knew Stinger was wanted for murder or anything about his tech. Maggie says she thinks Stinger was grooming her to work as a stitcher. She says Stinger is gone, though, and won’t reach out to Ivy again. Maggie says she doesn’t know if her mom is alive or not.

Maggie says the NSA can’t be involved and tells Kirsten please don’t call Fisher and ask him to reach out to the DA’s office. Fisher gets an exhumation order on Jacqueline Stinger’s body. Fisher talks to Stephanie and it’s awkward when she asks about his wedding ring.

They both agree that it’s hard. Stephanie says she was thinking and asks if he could love her again. Fisher says he never stopped and she asks about them trying again. Then he gets a call and she says she has to be in court and says they can talk later.

She shows him she’s still wearing her ring and then goes. Kristen calls and he says he has the order to dig up her mother’s body. They just have to open the crypt technically. Cameron goes along with her as they pull out the casket. They pop the coffin open and it’s totally empty. She’s stunned.

Blair shows up to meet Kirsten at the lab at her request. She looks angry and demands to know where her mother is. He says buried and she says tell me the truth or I will walk out of the program. He calls her naïve.

He says an empty coffin doesn’t mean someone is alive. Kirsten grabs him when he tries to walk out. He asks if she’s going to kill him and says she has no power and no future beyond what he lets her have. He says he owns her.

She looks intimidated. He walks out. Camille calls Fisher and thanks him for talking to her yesterday at the lab. He says he likes hearing her whine and she invites him over. He says he can’t because he’s having dinner with his wife.

Camille is surprised. He says she came by and asked for another shot. Camille pours more wine and asks how he feels. She goes quiet and says it’s amazing for him and says try not to f- it up this time. He says he’ll let her know how it goes.

Damn. Camille was crushing hard on him. The call end and she tells herself she’s stupid. Kirsten comes crying to Cameron and says sorry for barging in. She says she screwed things up. He encourages her and she’s all over the place and emotional.

Cameron asks what she wants and she says she wants the childhood she didn’t have and wants to be with her mother. Kirsten says she never remembers being home except there with him. Kirsten cries and he holds her close.

She kisses him and then again. He holds back a bit and then kisses her back. She stops and says she’s sorry and runs out. He looks devastated. Kirsten comes home and finds Camille boozing. Kirsten says it’s the worst day of her adult life.

Kirsten says her ability to make decision is at an all-time low. Camille says boo-freaking-hoo. She says she can still be the Watson to her Sherlock. She says Cameron is with Nina, her dad is gone, Blair is a psycho, her mom may be alive or dead and Ivy hates her.

Camille says neither of them need anyone else. She says they can solve the crap out of this together, Kirsten takes a drink. She says Ivy told her that Ed Clarke knew her mom was alive. Camille wonders if Ed told her and she didn’t realize it.

She tells her about an urn that Ed Clarke wanted to be stored in and Camille shows her a pattern on it – it’s binary. She snaps a pic of it and they look at it. It’s an address. They grab wine, call a taxi and head there to check it out.

They find the building and then Kirsten enters the code on an access pad and the lock clicks. They go inside. They see an old blood trail and a device coded with her moms’ initials and birthdate. They open it and there’s a guy inside.

He wakes and Kirsten asks who took the woman that was in there. But then he’s gone again. They bring Dr Curry back to the lab since he might know something about her mother. Maggie is snippy. Kristen tells Cameron she’s sorry about what happened at his place.

She goes to get ready for the stitch. Linus’ dad tells him to go and he says he can stay. They tell him they know about the stitch lab and the people there depend on him. He says they have known since high school and Maggie approached them back then.

His dad tells him if he dies he should stitch into him to see how much he loves him. Blair comes in to stop the stitch. He tries to shut it down and Maggie says she has the right to know. Kirsten asks what he’s scared they’ll find. Blair orders her to shut it down.

Maggie refuses and starts the mission clock. Fisher pulls Blair to the side and says he can watch from over there. Kirsten goes in and she sees Dr Curry talking to the hibernation chamber. He says someday she’ll go home to her family.

He says he can’t wait to meet her after 15 years. Then there’s another memory. NSA people tell them that Turner wants the asset. He says she’s not ready for extraction and she can’t take her like this. They shoot him accidentally and then open the chamber.

They wheel in a gurney and take her mother. Curry is on the floor crawling towards the chamber to try and survive. The anomaly kid is back and he shushes her and says they can hear you. She says please tell me. Cameron asks who are you talking to.

Kirsten says it’s him as a kid and Cameron says that’s not him and says track the signal. Linus says it’s a hack in the quantum computer. Fisher asks what this is and Linus says it’s quantum entanglement and is the ultimate hack.

Blair says Stinger has a quantum computer and kid Cameron asks if she’s ready to see her mother. They disappear from the stitch.

Linus says Kirsten is gone and he can’t get her back. The elevator opens and NSA come in with guns out. Blair tells Stamperson to shut it down. Cameron says they can’t shut down or they will lose her. The guy yells at them and barks out orders.

Stamperson says to Cameron that payback is a bitch. One of the nerds punches the guy out and the team goes to work beating up the NSA people and taking their weapons. Maggie tells Tim well done and they lock them in the interrogation room.

Blair says Maggie has crossed a line but she orders him locked in there too. Fisher says they’re good together. Cameron says Kirsten is in her own memory. We see her looking at her mother brushing her hair when she was little.

Kirsten is stitching into herself. She says it’s like she’s home. Linus says Stinger used an avatar of him as a kid. Maggie asks how long can she stay in there and Cameron says it’s not a regular stitch so there’s no time limit.

The kid tells her she never has to leave. Cameron says hijack the anomaly so he can pretend to be the kid and try to get her out of the stitch. Cameron asks if she can hear him and she says yes. He says it’s time to go but she says she can’t leave this memory.

Cameron says it’s not your mother, she’s not real. He says somewhere out there is her real mother and he’ll help find her. Kirsten says she’s done and is tired. She says he has Nina and she has her mother. Cameron says he does have Nina but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have him.

Cameron says she has a family made of friends that love her and says don’t leave us behind. We see Linus’ dad in cardiac arrest and they’re trying to revive him. Maggie looks at a photo of her loved in Iraq. Kirsten says most people leave.

Kid Cameron says they are not most people. He takes her hand in the memory and in real life and promises no matter how long it takes, he won’t leave her. The team watches. Cameron kisses her hand. She’s still in the stitch.

