"Now theyre out' - Ludwig reveals that he lost a sponsorship after a compromising picture was lea

Posted by Patria Henriques on Sunday, April 14, 2024

On November 3, YouTube Gaming star Ludwig talked about a compromising image of him that was leaked on Twitter.

The discussion began when Ludwig reacted to fellow YouTuber MoistCr1TiKaL's video titled Huge YouTube Leak. He then mentioned that a sponsor decided to back out of his Chessboxing event after the compromising photo surfaced on the internet. He explained:

"I will say, I did lose a sponsor because my n*ts got out. A sponsor did back out of a deal because they saw that my n*ts were leaked and now they're out. So that's a little bit of an L."

Ludwig claims a sponsor backed out of his Chessboxing event after the compromising image was leaked

MoistCr1TiKaL provided context for the situation in his video. He mentioned that Ahgren appeared on the Cold Ones podcast and found himself in an unusual situation during the Patreon cut:

"Now, it wasn't by his own choosing. It wasn't his plan. It wasn't like some kind of Mogul Mail move here to get content out of it. He was on the Cold Ones Podcast, and during the Patreon cut, he playfully pulled his s*ck out and it's on full display. It's very bold. It's very proud."

Charles stated that there was a miscommunication between the YouTuber and the Cold Ones podcast host, which resulted in a private photo of the former being leaked:

"And Chad had asked if he wanted them censored in the Patreon cut. To which Ludwig replied, 'Yeah.' But Chat apparently misunderstood what he was saying here. So then, he told the editor not to bother censoring it. So then, on the Patreon cut, his n*ts were just fully there! To Ludwig and all of Twitter's surprise."

The Mogul Money Live host spoke about the situation at the three-hour mark of his November 3 broadcast and revealed that a sponsor dropped him after the private images were leaked on Twitter.

(Timestamp: 03:09:21)

After calling the incident a "little bit of an L," Ludwig urged his viewers to buy tickets for his upcoming Chessboxing event:

"So in exchange, you can buy my Chessboxing ticket seats. My Chessboxing ticket seats for my Chessboxing event that's going to be the largest event I've ever done. Release tomorrow! They release literally tomorrow, November 4, and you can buy them! And you can come to Los Angeles, to the Galen Center where USC plays, to see some of the greatest Chessboxing matches in history!"

The discussion concluded with the Los Angeles-based content creator mentioning that his viewers could make up for the loss:

"So anyway. That's how you can make it up for me. If you've seen my b*lls, at least consider getting a ticket. All right? That's the only rule."

Fans react to the streamer's clip

The YouTube clip was shared to the r/LivestreamFail subreddit, and the reaction thread attracted a handful of fan replies. Here's what the Reddit community had to say:

Ludwig is a former Twitch streamer who signed an exclusive deal with YouTube Gaming last year. He is one of the most popular streaming personalities and won the prestigious Streamer of the Year award at Blaire "QTCinderella's" Streamer Awards 2022.

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